Old Friends

burgalhamam lunch.JPG

I met some old Foreign Ministry compadres, whom I served with at our Embassy in Washington D.C., for lunch today at Burg Al-Hamam. We were all a little grayer, a little stockier, a little bit more cynical, but the spirit of friendship, of brotherhood was evident.

The leisurely, three-hour lunch was a bittersweet event; over delectable Lebanese mezze and grilled meats we discussed social and political affairs, real estate, pop culture and family – of course, the conversation would almost always be sabotaged by someone’s bawdy sense of humor (and by the occasional water trickling from the roof this rainy day).

For dessert? A thick slice of nostalgia.

5 thoughts on “Old Friends

  1. Always good to see old friends and keep in comtat. sometimes people change but the memories dont and they become the bond.
    ps- nice pic

  2. Must have been good to see old friends. 😉
    Let me leave you with two words – Tons-o-Fun Burger. ;p

  3. “Let me leave you with two words – Tons-o-Fun Burger. ;p”
    Never heard of the place, but I’ll take your word for it ~~

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