All posts by Aggz The Aggressor

The Many Tentacles Of Kuwait’s ‘Kleptocracy’


Kleptocracy is a form of political corruption that refers to a state in which politicians exploit natural resources in order to stay in power. Does that sound similar to something that’s been happening in Kuwait these days?

To answer “Yes” would be to disregard the nature of Kuwait’s society as an Arab and Muslim caretaker ethos.

It is written in our Holy Book as Muslims that people should spend their wealth towards the benefit of the larger society whenever they can. Religiously, it’s Zakat, where the Muslims pay their annual tax either directly to people in need (at the discretion of the Zakat payer)or in some cases towards a central collections authority that then distributes it to betterment of the society, by way of social development, through schools, hospitals, mosques, homes, etc…Wealthy people with hearts of gold race each other to build something that would benefit society, especially in Kuwait. Examples range from renovating hospital wards, building schools, educational endowments and scholarships, all the way to providing free housing and job opportunities.

To answer “NO” would be to ignore the fact that Kuwait’s wealth is solely built upon one natural resource: Oil.

This resource is controlled by the state, its production and sale is controlled by the state, and the revenue it generates is distributed by the state, the distribution process is performed by way of paid salaries, social allowances and benefits. There is no “Free Money” in the Government’s Monetary cycle. This means that anyone who works for the state will earn enough money to stay safe and housed, but would never earn enough money to become rich enough to run for political office.

So the first question in this logic is, how does a Kuwaiti Politician become a Kleptocrat in a supposed Democracy?

The First route is the simplest: Active Networking. You make enough friends and acquaintances to build a large enough network of supporters that would vote you into office. How that happens is too lengthy for this post, but think “Tribal/Sectarian/Primary Elections” and you get the picture. They would then support you financially and politically.

The Second route is more difficult: Passive Networking. You build up your reputation as a capable and fierce supporter of justice and equality so much that it becomes visible to the masses, who will turn towards you for assistance and guidance. You then make your way up to the top, only this time it’s due to your hard work and reputation, not your connections and affiliations. This is a textbook example of how a Democracy should be held; the power of the people would select the most ideal candidate to represent them, based on principles, morale standing and reputation.

The Third route is Nomination: An individual or a group would appoint you as their representative, and would then mobilize all of their resources to support you into office. Once there, you’d be doing their bidding as their representative in Government. It’s closely connected to Active Networking, but without the means nor the skills to to so. This may be acceptable in may Democracies, especially where Political parties and affiliations are admissible.

The Fourth route is Hereditary: You’re born into government and rule by association. Examples include Kingdoms, Sheikhdoms and hereditary Republics. Your Mommy or Daddy ruled over everyone, and when they die, their authority reverts to you, barring the presence of any legal framework that would prevent, undermine or limit the extent your authority (such as a Constitution).

The Fifth and Final route is Money: You buy your way into Politics. This is the most corrupt and dangerous route into politics. Your constituents are composed of paid mouths who will sing your praises for a fee, or people already in power that you have packed into your shirt pocket, or legal representatives who will manipulate the Law in order to facilitate your ascension to Political power.

In this context, consider all the present Members of Parliament and the Government currently in office, would any of them fall under a different category? Hardly! Some of them are an actual and clear embodiment of some or all of these descriptions.

Case in Point: HADAS, Salafists, Popular Action Bloc, National Democratic Alliance, they’re all political affiliations and de-facto political parties who nominate the most suitable candidate from among them and support this candidate into office to represent them. The problem is, these parties do not enjoy the benefit of a legal acknowledgement under the current Kuwaiti Law, nor do they represent the masses in terms of their political agenda, but, rather simply, they enjoy the generalized affiliation of the masses who have shared principles and the perceived moral standing of their members.

In other words, “I’m a Salafist, so I’ll vote for XX the Salafist in my constituency“, or “I’ve taken out a large Bank Loan, so I’ll vote for the Popular Action Bloc whose agenda will force the Government to write off all Consumer Loans“. Generally speaking, it’s as simple as that!

On the other had, those in Government, namely those in the “Hereditary” offices, will strive to protect their personal and political interests from those that strive to attack them, so they utilize their wealth and political power in order to attain their goals. Currently, MP Faisal Al Muslim is trying to prove this is the case with the Prime Minister.

MP Al Muslim raises a difficult question: If you’re not from a wealthy merchant family, but you’ve managed to use your personal wealth to protect your political position in Government, taking into account that you’re only source of income ‘should have been’ your salary, how can you afford to spend so much money to protect your interests? But the MP raises yet another question: If you’ve risen only from among the masses within your tribal, sectarian or regular connections – who support and assist your endeavors – what gives you the right to attack the Prime Minister in the name of the People with documents you’ve obtained under shady circumstances?! I believe that MP Al Muslim was trying to prove that the Prime Minister was a Kleptocrat, who usurps his position, power and wealth in order to control and manipulate the Parliament.

As a person who has intimate knowledge of the Kuwaiti Banking Sector, I’m fully aware of the legal penalties that entail the exposure of private information and/or documents within the Bank; I have seen, first-hand, what happens to people who do ‘these things’, willingly or otherwise. Not only is it in complete violation of the employee’s contract with the bank, let alone sickeningly unprofessional, but more seriously, it’s a betrayal of the employer, the people and shareholders you work for, and may well get you into prison, destroying your reputation completely without even the slightest chance of redemption.

Constitutionally, if proven correct, the documents pertinent to this case allude to a clause within Article 111 of the Kuwaiti Constitution, which states:

“Article 111: Except in cases of flagrante delicto, no measures of inquiry, search, arrest, detention, or any other penal measure may be taken against a member while the Assembly is in session, except with the authorisation of the Assembly.” (“Flagrante delicto” means “Caught in the act of a misdeed”).

I’m no lawyer, but I imagine that if it’s proven that the documents in MP Al Muslim’s possession are authentic, it stands to reason that they have reached him via unauthorized means, which means clearly he’s caught red-handed in the crime of possessing private and personal documents. Moreover, he would also be guilty of committing a crime by association of the person who had given him these documents in the first place, and if both these crimes are proven against MP Al Muslim in court, they make the case against the Prime Minster completely illegal since the evidence against him was obtained illegally, and is therefore inadmissible in court.

What remains in question is where did the money came from? Let’s assume I’m one of those tree-hugging-love all-live all-people who claim that if it were from the Prime Minister’s personal funds, then so be it; he’s a kind-hearted person who likes to spend his wealth helping people (and it’s his personal wealth that he’s using) so any suspicion of misusing public funds gets thrown out the window. But then again, why pay an MP (he did not run for reelection this time) when that person has no clear use for that amount of money? His income is secured by way of his pension from the Parliament, so he’s pretty well financed and secured. Moreover, many former MP’s become board members of private companies, with very beefy salaries, or revert back to the family business, if one exists. So what’s this payment all about?

And finally, what gives MP Al Muslim – a representative of the people – the right to use illegally obtained documents as ‘evidence’ against the Prime Minister’s ”misuse of public funds”? If anything, this case proves what I’ve been blogging about all along; Proper reforms come from proper voting. Representation should be based on holistic needs and demands, not sectarian nor tribal agendas. MP Al Muslim may have shocked the state’s perceptions of the extent of corruption, some may say, but others may also claim that he’s unsuccessfully tried to prove what we all know; People in Power are liable to be corrupt, no matter what side of the law they may be standing on. His Immunity as an MP made him believe he’s untouchable, while simultaneously trying to prove the same about the Prime Minister.

Power corrupts – and absolute power corrupts absolutely – and that goes for MP Al Muslim too!

Kuwait’s ‘Islamic’ Dictatorship


Kuwait has been an official state since it’s independence from Great Britain in 1961, further back it was an official political entity since the 1922 Treaty of Uqair. Even further back during the 18th Century, it was a thriving sea port for the busy spice trade between East and West, and even before that, during the 17th Century, it started as a settlement for Bedouin tribes seeking refuge from massive seasonal drought around the Arabian Peninsula. Indeed, the earliest recorded history of the State of Kuwait goes back to the year 1613.

Throughout Kuwait’s history, no religious animosity was demonstrated, no sectarian bigotry was recorded, and indeed, no religious affiliations were bragged about, until Oil created wealth, which in turn created education, which was (at the time) heavily influenced with Arabism and Pan-Arab ideals and values.

Kuwaitis thrived on their own self-disciplined tolerance and peaceful co-existence, not just with themselves, but with other people as well. When the Saudi Monarch Abdulaziz Ibn Saud and his family were overthrown by the Al Rasheed, they sought refuge in Kuwait. When Sa’adun Pasha, leader of the Muntafiq Tribe fled the Ottoman Wali in Basrah, he sought refuge in Kuwait. When the Israelis attacked Palestinian villages and kicked them out of their own homes, Kuwait offered them a temporary home, all 400’000 of them, until some of them turned rogue and bought into Saddam’s lies. The same goes for the Lebanese, the same goes for many others.

This short and brief history describes Kuwait as a haven for freedoms and liberties, and if one goes into more detail in this regard, one can clearly outline the massive tolerance of the Kuwaitis, people and government, throughout its history. All this was done without any Islamic Political Movements like HADAS and the Salafists dictating religion to the masses.

Fast-forward to the present day, and here’s what we get:

1-Women must wear the Hijab when in Parliament.
2-Women must have the authorization of their guardians in order to get a Passport (Edit: This was annulled by the Constitutional Court last week)
3-Voting for women is “Haram.”
4-Women and Men must wear admissible swimwear.
5-All Shisha (hubbly-bubbly) joints, cafes and restaurants are to close by midnight.
6-Females saluting Males is “Haram.”
7-Standing up to the National Anthem is “Haram.”
(…and much more trivial stuff I can’t recall at the moment!)

What is being enforced on us as a people is not religion, nor is it a return to religious piousness, Kuwaitis were always pious, and observed religion (all religions) in ample fairness and respect to all the inhabitants, including Kuwaiti Jews and Christians, not including the many other denominations that came as expatriate workers, who helped build Kuwait up from a mud village into a city of skyscrapers and advanced financial institutions. All lived side by side in peace and respect, for both themselves and to others, ever since the 18th Century. They never needed people like some of today’s MP’s dictating religion and claiming their God-given destiny to bring back the populace to its religious piousness. Those people do not represent me, and as far as I’m concerned, they don’t represent what Kuwait stands for. Moreover, had they truly been Kuwaitis, and had they known Kuwait’s true history of tolerance and respect, they wouldn’t have brought these complications up in the first place!

I believe in Democracy. I believe it can work in Kuwait, and I believe in free speech. I condone these values, as someone who ‘at least’ believes in equality for all. What I don’t believe in, and what I can’t condone, is a weak and fearful reactionary government that responds favorably to idle threats made by socially insignificant malcontents and religious zealots who think that, just because they can hold a group prayer in mosques, that automatically makes them leaders and protectors of the people’s religious values.

Drawing from my own ‘limited’ experience, it’s very hard to be a leader. You need charisma, intellect, objectivity, tolerance, a belief in oneself and one’s plight. Most of all, however, you need a consensus of opinion. This can only be brought about through open, frank and fair dialogue between the opposite sides.

Evoking a Fatwa that restricts personal freedoms, and then forcing the Government to implement this Fatwa, in direct conflict with the country’s constitution, is not a consensus, it’s a dictatorship! At the very least, it’s the beginnings of a state where the power of the few overrules the rights of the many, where the law of the land is the rule of men, not of the Law, where there is no protection for civil liberties, where there is no tolerance for any form of political opposition when men in power invoke religion, and where allegiances are made and created through socialization and blind allegiance.

This type of state is an Authoritarian state, it is the middle ground between Democratization and Dictatorship, and right now, we’re witnessing Kuwait moving through this middle ground towards a Dictatorship. This is a dangerous time for Kuwait’s Democracy, and I fear that MPs such as Mohamed Hayef’s (and other like-minded individuals) recent collective uproars are precursors of even more sinister things to come.

“What is past is prologue”
– William Shakespeare

The New Kuwait


An electrical generator depot burning in Faiha following an explosion.

If what I am about to convey to you seems grim, it’s because it’s the truth, and the truth usually is that way.

In my opinion, Kuwait is not what it used to be. I don’t mean the advancement in economic and educational levels, I mean on a social, ethical level. For example, it used to be the case, back when I was growing up, that when a policeman passed by, people would actually respect the authority he represented. Nowadays, police officers get scolded whenever they try to do their job of regulating the speed laws, thanks to glorified MP’s who come-a-running whenever the guilty parties cry “wolf’!

It’s a shame to see Kuwait in the state it’s in right now; Economic uncertainty, Environmental time-bombs, Political instability, Geo-political threats, Social discord (despite what the naysayers say!), and through it all, a shadowy, semi-dominant authority rules over all, pitilessly exercising it’s power of coercion and manipulation in between the cracks of jurisprudence and double-meanings in order to either quietly privatize or blatantly rip off the entire state, leaving nothing but polluted crumbs for the rest of the populace to fight over.

Think I’m exaggerating? Consider this:

  • It’s been almost a month since the Mishref Sewage Plant disaster and the investigation is still ongoing as to exactly who was to blame between the Ministry of Public Works and the Contractor! Ironically, though, this issue was flagged as a potential problem by the Green Line Environmental Group back in 2007, and was issued in a report to the Ministry back then. At the same time, local newspapers report on Kuwait’s Oil investments in Vietnam and China, in light of the global economic downturn and potential reduction of Oil supplies in the region. One has to ask where all this money came from, and where will it go.
  • Government schools have just opened up their gates for the beginning of the school year and the MP’s are still shouting over the decision to ‘endanger the children with the Swine Flu epidemic’, as well as the usual drivel regarding the lack of preparedness in confronting Swine Flu and addressing educational needs! Also, Funnily enough, the recent decision by Kuwait University to raise the minimum acceptance requirements for new students because they are pushing the notion that a 3.0 GPA is better than a 2.8 GPA simply because the University “doesn’t have enough seats!” -If you don’t believe that one, just look at today’s Al Qabas newspaper!
  • The Government pushes Parliament to issue a new law that penalizes whoever ‘endangers the national unity, whether in deeds or in words’, while simultaneously allowing a football match to take place between the Kuwaiti and Iraqi teams – despite local sensitivities on such issues – and begins to internationally endorse the notion that it’s contemplating Iraq’s suggestion to restructure Iraqi debt owed to Kuwait! On this particular note, and to put it clearly, this Kuwaiti (me) is definitely not in favor of these decisions; I believe Iraq should remain indebted to Kuwait until all dues are paid, in complete accordance with UN Security Council Resolutions. Such is the way of ‘civilized’ and ‘educated ‘societies, and not tribal ones.

While all this is happening, some MP’s are calling onto the Government to curb ‘illegal Disco Clubs’ in Kuwait as it is in conflict with social morals and standards!

Never mind the MP whose son is the chairman of a company that extorts salaries from poor expat workers, never mind the MP whose KD5 Million check bounced and has been ‘out of sight’ for the past 4 months, and is nowhere to be found, never mind the MPs who paid, bartered & coerced their constituents for votes just to get elected to parliament.

Instead of focusing on pressuring the Government to clamp down on the rising problems of housing, health and education – like we voted them to do -these characters are asking the government to instead clamp down on illegal acts of immorality in Kuwait and its Islands, as if Kuwait was one big Playboy Mansion!

Unfortunately, this is the New Kuwait, a country with laws but no responsible lawmen, a country with a government that is not governing as it should, a country with rights that are not given. In short, a country with no foreseeable future except the inevitable collapse.

In one of my older posts, I mentioned that “What we need to do is dare to think outside the confines of our traditionalist ways, and encourage other to do so as well. ” How many of us are actually prepared to do that, I wonder.

People need to change the way the State’s Authority is practiced and implemented in a manner that commensurate with their own credibility and reputation. I say “people” because this is still a Democracy, governed by the People for the People, and not a state that is governed by a handful of royals, loudmouth MP’s and Fundamentalists who are out for their own gains. We are still living on this land, and we deserve better. Keeping in mind the feebleness of the individual needy constituent when it comes to his own personal gains, the corrupt MP will eventually find it extremely difficult to succeed if he is constantly confronted with people who aren’t afraid to lose some personal privileges for the sake of the ‘Greater Good’ that is Kuwait’s future prosperity. This will inevitably turn the Parliament into a more effective tool in the face of the Government, who will come to respect (not fear) it’s wishes and demands, and eventually do some good for a change.

To make a long story short: If you want to change something, change yourself first, only then will other changes eventually follow. This is what happens to prosperous societies such as those of Singapore, Post-WWII Europe, Japan, China, and yes, even the United States!

Ironically, what has clearly been prescribed in the Holy Quran is being shunned, very few of us actually attempt to better ourselves as people – we tend to negate life’s priorities. Yet we can easily call ourselves “Muslims” just because we speak casually in classical Arabic with heavy religious undertones, grow our beards, perform the five basic tenets of Shahada, Prayers, Paying Zakat, Hajj and Fast during Ramadan while we threaten the Government with feeble, idiotic threats if nothing’s been done to curb social deviance? That’s the double standard Mr. Islamic MP according to any dictionary you pick up.

Islam – the religion as a whole – is not simply a set of rules or regulations, it’s a covenant with the Creator to be the best you can be while ensuring that the lives of other people all around you are equally improved, whether you’re a leader or a follower. Personally, I feel sorry for the candidates, who buy into the lies and deception; I sincerely hope that change is for the better, socially before officially, and we can finally rid ourselves from all those loudmouths who thrive on social misconduct and use it as fodder for their political gains. One can only hope, especially one in despair.

If, however, some of you think that it’s not all that bad and things are actually better than the apocalyptic scene I just presented, I hope you’ll excuse me if I present you with these words of wisdom!

Kuwait Should Be A Secular State


A Mosque In Downtown Kuwait

As radical as it may sound, the above title is absolutely true of all Democracies!

It is by no means contradictory to Islamic Sharia, far from it – It actually protects Islam and Sharia and all religions from misuse and misinterpretation, if only the opponents read wisely.

With all the factions coming up in Kuwaiti Politics these days – with each considering the other blasphemous – the political waters become murky to the electorate with regards to the choices they make.

If one considers that voting for HADAS or the Salafists, for example, would initiate the reshaping of the government into an Islamic one, the same would be true for the Shiite groups, the Liberals, the Tribalists, and so on.

To counter this fear – while providing equality to the entire population – the Kuwaiti Government needs to be reshaped Kuwait into a Secular State. Within this state, Religion is protected, in all its various forms and definitions, while the Rule of Law keeps it in check, so that no one religion or belief can demolish or defame the other. At the same time, the Government held accountable by each religious group so that no particular favoritism is given to any one group with regards to rights and obligations to the State and its Head.

This, in essence, is the very definition of a true Democracy. Anything else is a workaround. By that I mean, a twisting of the facts in order to address the development of a particular agenda that may or may not be productive to the society at large.

An ‘Islamic Democracy’ means the implementation of Sharia Law onto everyone, referenced by the power monger’s own interpretation of this Law, be it Wahaabist, Taliban, Hadas or Hezbolla.

A ‘Tribalist Democracy’ means the ‘Bani-Somethings’ exert their will and influence onto all those that are not of their tribe.

A ‘Liberal Democracy ‘means the right to throw wild Animal House style parties at college (to some, at least!) without concern for the more moderate of our society, and so on…

But the biggest threat of all, the one we are surely to face if these latest elections results don’t provide the needed results, is an Authoritarian Government, where the individual’s rights and obligations are subject to the whims of the ‘Ruling Elite’, unabated, unobstructed and unchallenged.

Here is where the line was drawn back in 1961/62, when Kuwaiti society decided to implement a constitution that would protect them and their generations from this type of rule. Here we are, 47 years later, deciding on what type of government to represent the people.

In my blog, I posted many entries about how to select and decide upon the right candidate for the job, and I’m reinforcing this point again here: By choosing wisely, all these political groups and their agenda’s will be limited it, but if they come into power, they will modify the government’s ‘modus operandi’ so that it becomes more ‘user friendly’ to their agenda, therefore, we the people will be at their ideological mercy.

In short, Kuwait should be a Secular State in order for all ideologies be absorbed and protected for their individual followers. Everyone has a right to think and say what he or she likes, as long as these actions to not infringe upon the rights and freedoms of others. Everyone should also have a right to be protected from corruption, as long as this protection is not extorted into a new form of corruption.

A Vote For Responsibility

dont vote for this.jpg

It saddens me to repeatedly hear people comment that they “won’t be voting” in the upcoming elections on May 16. What saddens me most of all is that these people represent the young demographic, people who are just about-or have begun to create a family of their own, and need every help they can get to ensure their family’s security when oil runs out.

It’s not just about improving government services; it’s ensuring that these services continue to survive after the economy shrinks from complete oil dependence in sixty or seventy years time; according to recent estimates (some reports claim a maximum of forty years).

I have a 2 year old daughter, by the time she’s a mother, her children will face Kuwait’s hardest economic situation ever-a country without oil to fuel the state’s expenditures and services. In other words, what I as a parent decide today will affect my grandchildren’s future wellbeing.

By selecting the right MP, we as voters set the standards for a better future, it’s not about voting for someone who would be able to help me grab a government-built house quicker than the rest, or someone who would be able to process my papers with his influence or some other short-term personal gain.

Younger voters may not feel it now, but think about this: A University education with gender-segregated classes is no education to rely upon, and this segregation came about recently because the people voted for the wrong MP’s. On the same subject, an educational system where course work is dictated by politically and religiously motivated advisers is doomed to produce fanatics and extremists no matter how the situation is justified.

Last year I posted a blog about the difference between the Kuwait of the 1960’s and today, and in it, I outlined the features of the ideal candidate for my family and myself. Today, however, there are many options that fit the description I set for myself, and ironically enough, they were not all tribalists nor Islamists or ‘service MP’s’; They were all right-minded people, with an actual progressive agenda and clean-shaven faces who don’t shout their throats off in front of cameras, spurting out brain-farts for local consumption while flexing their tribal or Islamist muscles!

I’m not endorsing anyone in particular here, but I am asking everyone to vote, and vote well. Vote with your minds, not your hearts, not your ears, and certainly not for your expected monetary gains – despite what you may watch in political plays and songs, you shouldn’t be voting for Kuwait for the sake of Kuwait; It’s simply a plot of land with oil underneath it! You should be voting for your family’s well-being in the not-too-distant future, you should be voting for Kuwait’s children, since they’ll be inheriting the problems and solutions that you will be creating today….and if that’s not enough to make someone vote right, think about people in my latest post, and what they’d done for you and your country lately!

Thinking of the Future

This morning I posted an entry in my personal blog about what the ideal candidate should have in terms of skill-sets and qualities, and later on, it hit me…perceptions differ from one voter to another.

Ours is a very traditionalist-oriented society, one that find comfort in repeating the usual practices of ‘doing the same thing’, including supporting the usual candidate. But we live in an unusual period in our lifetime right now.

POINT: Iran, our close neighbor, is already future-proofed it’s economy, by employing an alternative source of energy, which also doubles as a military deterrent as a force multiplier to its large army.

POINT: Saudi Arabia has realized that extremist movements like ‘The Promotion of Virtue & Prevention of Vice’ is a threat to its society and government, and has already defanged it, and revamped its educational system.

POINT: Qatar, with it’s newly-discovered natural gas resources, is taking slow steps to exploit its primary natural resource, while reaping every penny from its revenue towards economic and infrastructural development.

POINT: China, Japan, the EU, and others among the world’s strongest economies, have recently announced drastic measures to save what’s left of their economies.

POINT: Globalisation has rendered traditional classroom lectures and tests wholly useless, and as a result, many colleges and universities are now providing their curriculum and coursework online!

POINT: With so many university graduates looking for highly paid jobs, job placement is scarce…and I’m referring to the world all over, not just Kuwait!

POINT: We are an Oil-producing and exporting country, but we still don’t have a specialized Petroleum Studies College that can produce the Kuwaiti labour needed for self-sufficiency in this critical and strategic sector – Abu Dhabi has a highly reputable one called The Petroleum Institute!

What we need to do is dare to think outside the confines of our traditionalist ways, and encourage other to do so as well. We need to shed the light on these critical issues, and highlight them as cornerstones of our demands as a people from our government, through the candidates who possess the qualities that would enable them to voice our demands properly and accurately. We need to dare to believe in actual change in our hearts before we demand it of others.

Call me a Liberal, but like it or not, this is what will save and secure our country’s future.

A blind, ignorant belief in faith is not enough (I dare to say so!) to deliver us from the evils of this world, and neither is the struggle to implement this faith from within a political agenda, nor is the support of those who strive for it. If one studies history, one would realize that it was the concept of ‘practicality’ – not just faith – that had delivered Europe from Facist and Stalinist ideologies, or be closer to home, saved the Middle East from Mongol domination.

Back to the present, and in closing, and also to complement my earlier post, whoever can address these issues, and is able to provide practical solutions to address them within 5-7 years can be sure of my vote!

When The ‘Poop’ Hits The Kuwaiti Fan!

Here we go again: retaliation is finally coming!

‘Kuwait Times’, alongside other newspapers, reported today that certain MP´s have received cheques of up to KD 100,000 from the Prime Minister’s office a while ago – one of the reasons supposedly behind some MP´s insistence that the Interpollation (i.e. Audit Bureau Quizzes) issue go to the ‘Constitutional Court’ (in order to seal its fate in legal secrecy).

Oh boy, I´ll enjoy seeing how this plays out in the coming few days. Ironic, however, that this issue comes just a few days short of the mandated Parliamentary session focusing on various critical issues. namely the ‘Economic Package’ this coming Tuesday.

If you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves!

The ‘Hadas Trio’ Play A Political Symphony!

Hadas Trios.JPG

This latest news report about nationalizing Oil Contracts in order to create 10,000 jobs for Kuwaiti nationals shows just how ignorant these MPs are with regards to the needs of the country! And while I don’t mean ‘ignorant’ in a derogatory way, I mean it factually, as in ‘they don’t know what the hell it’s all about!’

It’s not simply a matter of enforcing legislation and hoping it’ll work out to solve the unemployment issue, there are a lot of things to consider, like experience, qualifications, career development, training, the list goes on!

Yes, there is legislation to financially support Kuwaitis in the Private sector, offering incentives to both employer and employee and so forth, however, the former looks for more than money; they demand skill-set enhancements, personal productivity, job stability, career development, personal development, things that money cannot buy, since they come from the employer’s need to satisfy his employees in order to produce and develop a new generation of producers.

There’s a reason why many jobs are filled by expatriates; they’re cheaper to payroll and more productive! The Kuwaiti entrepreneur will more likely that not choose an Asian accountant or IT Administrator over a Kuwaiti one, simply because a Kuwaiti’s minimum wage is supported by incentives and allowances that are in turn mandated by law (the end of term indemnity clause in the Kuwait Private Sector’s legislation alone is sufficient proof). Jobs for Kuwaitis need more than ‘nationalizing’ contracts or ‘Kuwaitization’ laws, they need a sound strategic Human Resources Development and Sustainability plan that coincides with legislation to support it, and I don’t see anyone from Hadas talking about this critical need.

In fact, I don’t see anyone talking about this need at all – even though it’s a textbook example of a critical business need; all I see are people asking for more and more incentives and allowances, with groups like Hadas singing their tunes.

Suspiciously, however, this report comes amidst a blizzard of political turmoil in Kuwait, preceded by an equally suspiciously timed report by MP Waleed Al-Tabtebai about ‘fixing up’ Jabriya…all within the political turmoil, when people are seeking to find a solution to the question of dissolution.

It’s all a game to these people, once they’re elected, they shout, bicker and threaten the government in order to cover up and pursue their own agendas, but by the time their term is up, they revert back to their initial promises during the elections periods…just like a child’s game! I have occassionally highlighted this on my blog, and am currently researching it further, but it’s clearly a game to these people. And it’s high time we voters quit playing and start acting.

Right now, in fact, I’m guessing someone is examining his notebook, deciding it’s time to keep true to his campaign promises to the hapless voters, especially since new elections on the horizon seem to be a sad reality.

What remains to be seen is whether we voters learn from our mistakes or not the next time around!