Tag Archives: Parliament

On Kuwait Politicians and Windex

I’d like to thank Hilaliya for letting me post in his website and promise and do solemnly swear not to use words like ‘slut’, ‘prick’, ‘shit’, ‘bastard’, ‘tits’, or ‘whore’, ‘hooker’, ‘slut’ (twice ….. apologies ……), ‘bitch’, ‘hoo hoo’, ‘pee pee’ or ‘prick.’

It’s very hard for us as Kuwaitis and as humans in fact to live without politics and politicians. For one thing we wouldn’t have anything to complain about or anyone to blame and lets face it our parents would have very little to do at family gatherings if it weren’t for these close-minded, hypocritical, lying, cheating, corrupt and lurid men (and recently women) who we have chosen to represent us and our stake in the country we live in.

Sadly, however as with most things involving money, power and the public eye, politics has become a foray for those of us who are smart – for the most part, some can’t write their names yet but it’s still early and I doubt that the people who voted for him know the significance of literacy in the modern world – have scrupulous and rather mercurial morals.

So how do we fix our politicians? (And no I do not mean neuter them – although the idea may appeal to some; it is simply not a solution in the civilized world).

How do we make them represent us the way they should and promised? Unlike the cure for cancer, the flying car or cloning, not even Hollywood could come up with an answer…politicians can’t be fixed because they didn’t get into politics to change things, they got into politics to become famous and gain respect.

And they can’t be held accountable because no one can…lets face it, I’ve never been held accountable for a single unpaid bill or parking ticket and neither have you. We even have people who have been convicted of manslaughter in the US and are living happy k-town-esque lives and we enjoy our freedom to bypass rules, get things done quickly and forget about that speeding ticket.

So what solution could we possible come up with? (Before you ask, truth serum doesn’t work)

The answer apparently lies in cleanliness and lemon scented Windex…According to Professor Liljenquist of some University I’ve never heard of morals are largely dictated by how fresh the place smells….ugh…She compared how likely people were to be charitable in a Windex scented room and in a standard one and found that people were about twice as likely to be charitable and morally bound if you provided them with a clean environment.

But the trouble with that – apart from the fact that it sounds like hogwash – is that knowing the people within our current “Majless,” they’ll probably end up killing each other for the government tender to provide lemon scented, morally assured freshness in their meeting hall.