An Appeal To The Kuwait Minister of Interior

alwatan - abduljader show.JPG

Update 28/4/10 : We have received the following message from Ms. Nadia, a close friend of the victim.

“Hilaliya thank you so much for posting this!

I just want to point out a few things that the newspapers didnt mention:

Dana is 22 years old NOT 20.
Her mom passed away from a STROKE (not heart attack) due to the stress of her daughter being treated this way.
Dana was on Jawazat round about when this traffic officer in a pick up truck with tinted windows cut her off and made her slam on her brakes. He got out and WAS wearing the police uniform, however he was off duty (and NOT in a police car). He took her license and told her to follow him to the RUMATHIYA police station EVEN though they were right infront of the SALMIYA police station. On the way he was speeding and not even indicating. When she arrived to the police station she waited in her car while he went inside. Soon he came back with a man in a dishdasha and told her to go inside. She said no as she was the only girl alone and there were men inside, and she wanted her parents to arrive first.(Dana was speaking in English as her Arabic is poor). The disgusting officer started screaming at her at the top of his lungs saying that he’d KILL HER, put her face under his shoe and squash it, and punch her face that her glasses will go in her eyes and start bleeding to death! The story gets even worse, however its best told by DANA herself.
Dana and her family are respectful people that obey the laws of KUWAIT as well as the religion. They are good people, and they DO NOT deserve this. Her friends and family will not rest until JUSTICE IS SERVED.

Dana and her father have been interview by AL WATAN TV, and the show will be aired onTHURSDAY 29TH APRIL @ 10pm. (‘The Khaled Adul Jaleel Show’).

May her mother REST IN PEACE.

Her best friend Nadia“.

Updates And Links:

‘Safi’s Retreat’ Blog

‘Al-Watan Daily’ (English)

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‘Some Contrast’s Blog

‘The Avenues’ Blog

Excuse us for interrupting you and your ministry’s hard work, obviously busy busting foreign National Day celebrations in stadiums, expelling Al-Baradei supporters and pontificating about Dual Nationality ‘measures.’

I am not going to touch on Taxi drivers (working for companies owned by Interior Ministry personnel) selling female passengers into slavery and prostitution.

I am not going to touch on Human Traffickers: certain Merchants and Companies, MPs, Municipality Members, Sheiks and others being untouchable.

I am not going to touch on certain ‘Security Apparatus’ members, bribed by dangerous foreign elements attempting to infiltrate Kuwait.

I am not going to touch on your ministry’s plans to alleviate traffic, reduce congestion and car accidents.

I am not going to touch on the increasing crime rate in Kuwait.

I am sure you and your ‘team’ tirelessly work night and day to formulate solutions to the above issues. However, I do have but one simple question.

What are you going to do about this?

Al-Watan Article.JPG

14 thoughts on “An Appeal To The Kuwait Minister of Interior

  1. الكلمات تعجز عن الوصف ورب الكعبة
    تعجز عن كتابة أي شيئ بحق هذا الحيوان اللي لو صارت بمرته ولا بنته ولا أي وحدة من أهله لا أقام الدنيا كلها
    بس ربك كبير
    وان شاءالله يصير فيه مثل ماصار في هالعائلة
    ربك كبير

  2. لسوء الحض يوجد لدينا كثير من رجال الأمن (عل فاضي) يستخدمون إثباتتهم لهذه الأشياء التافهة يظنون أنى لديهم سلطة في هذه الأشياء ويستخدمونها للفساد أكثر من الصلح، ويا رجل الأمن كما تدين تدن ودعوة المظلوم مستجابة

  3. Well…
    sorry for saying this…but i see prospects of this blog getting shut down…

  4. The MOIs reply would be “Don’t worry, Karma will get him ;)”
    cause they don’t like messing with people, scared of the all mighty wasta!!
    Nice blog btw 🙂

  5. Hilaliya thank you so much for posting this!
    I just want to point out a few things that the newspapers didnt mention:
    Dana is 22 years old NOT 20
    Her mom passed away from a STROKE (not heart attack) due to the stress of her daughter being treated this way.
    Dana was on Jawazat round about when this traffic officer in a pick up truck with tinted windows cut her off and made her slam on her brakes. He got out and WAS wearing the police uniform, however he was off duty (and NOT in a police car). He took her license and told her to follow him to the RUMATHIYA police station EVEN though they were right infront of the SALMIYA police station. On the way he was speeding and not even indicating. When she arrived to the police station she waited in her car while he went inside. Soon he came back with a man in a dishdasha and told her to go inside. She said no as she was the only girl alone and there were men inside, and she wanted her parents to arrive first.(Dana was speaking in English as her Arabic is poor)The disgusting officer started screaming at her at the top of his lungs saying that he’d KILL HER, put her face under his shoe and squash it, and punch her face that her glasses will go in her eyes and start bleeding to death! The story gets even worse, however its best told by DANA herself.
    Dana and her family are respectful people that obey the laws of KUWAIT as well as the religion. They are good people, and they DO NOT deserve this. Her friends and family will not rest until JUSTICE IS SERVED.
    Dana and her father have been interview by AL WATAN TV, and the show will be aired on THURSDAY 29TH APRIL @ 10pm. (Khaled Adul Jaleel’s show).
    May her mother REST IN PEACE.
    Her best friend Nadia.

  6. Nadia,
    Thank you for passing by and for the clarification.
    We are all outraged and will support your friend’s family in getting justice. The alleged cuplrit – if guilty – should be punished, irrespective of who he is.
    And we will all be watching ‘Al-Watan’ tonight.

  7. This is heart breaking and it is become a social issue! People are becoming aware of what’s going on in Kuwait! oo The truth will soon come out! Hopefully no ” Vitamin ‘W’ or ‘و’ ” get involved to save the dude’s ***!! Policeman or not! He had no right to do what he did! “Most” and not ALL guys in Kuwait think that they own the road or that they can bother girls.. Just because he’s a MALE! Tir’6ooonha 3ala 5awaatkom?! Wila banaat ahalkom?!
    Dana: I’m so sorry for your loss, Allah yir7amha oo i’3amid rooo7a il jannah oo 3asa Allah i9aber igloobkom oo inshalla a5er ela7zaan! Don’t let this break you! We’re all standing by your side!
    To the ignorant people that think that guy had the right to do what he did! and that he is innocent! EVEN AFTER you watched the Watan TV interview! Wake up and smell the coffee!! The LONG break they took after the first few minutes with Al-Shamali (WHY WAS IT THAT LONG?! Did they tell Abduljalil to stop making the MOI sound so bad?!) Al-Shamali was brave enough to go on TV.. yeah … bas him saying that going to the police is ok.. a girl in a police car is ok.. its like going to a clinic! Ana agoool!! WAKE UP AND SMELL THE COFFEE!! YOU’RE IN KUWAIT!! IT’S NOT 3AAADI!! Saying that his daughter went through the same thing and he said don’t mention my name!! (laish ashkara vitamin W) oo laish el Civil ID maa feeha her fullname!! I Bet YOU that even if she (his daughter didn’t mention it.. the afraad will freak out from your position oo 120% they weren’t gonna make a big fuss about it! Bringing Al-Shamali to the show was pointless coz he didn’t answer any question asked by Abduljaleel!
    (SOME) policemen let girls pull over just because they wanna chit-chat thinking that the girl will freak out just because he’s in uniform! Just say you got his name or ID Num. and check out who’s freaking out in the end! Dear men of uniform! Respect the Uniform and that is how people will respect your authority.
    People! respect Dana! and don’t make a big fuss about it if your not supporting her! Because your blabbing will not add anything.. other than increase gossip in Kuwait! Oo mashalla il Kuwaitiyeen ma i7iboon ilqeel wil qaaal oo kil wa7id izeeed ibharaat! Ri2faw ib 7aaal libnaya oo ahalha! oo id3oolohom 3asa Allah i9aber iglooobhom 3ala ili ohma feeh! Don’t be bias or contradict yourself… Just be human! and put yourself in her shoes! Will you be saying the same thing if its a member of your family? or a dear friend of yours? or even yourself? Think before you talk and blab! oo 3asa Allah ma i7i6 a7ad feekom ib hal mawqif!

  8. D.A.S- thank u for ur comment.. U make sense, whn all these other ppl such as ‘e7mood’ on somecontrast jus sit there n type up ridiculious accusations.. Would he do that if Dana ws standing infront of his face? I highly doubt it, me and Dana were both mad as hell whn we saw his first comment. It sickened her! She ws only trying to defend herself. And I ws trying ti defend her. She’s jus tired of these ppl, first she went thru this horrible ordeal n now she has to defend herself from others who claim that she actually did ws they are accusing her of? That this is jus some kind of drama show? Like u said how would they feel and react if this ws their mother/sister/daughter. They would probably to worse.
    Dana is more than heart broken, n she’s still scared..
    All these haters an uneducated and ignornant.
    Plz stop. Its the time for us to all come together n fix things.
    And as for tht cop on al watan- he did not answer anythn.. Wat a waste of time
    I havent slept well in days and after watchn Dana’s interview I broke down.
    My best friend got treatd tht way? I’m jus left speechless.

  9. Nadia A.J. : Allah kareeem! Don’t let this get to you or Dana.. She is a tough time for her.. She needs all the support she can get! People will never stop talking and they will keep blabbing not because it is Dana.. La they will do it coz unfortunately people of Kuwait love to gossip.. What the policeman did is wrong! The law in Kuwait is against a Girl getting in a police car! MAMNOOOOO3! and if he’s off duty he can’t show his ID and take her ID’s and tell her follow me to the PD! Unless he was originally a maba7ith policeman!
    Unfortunately some policemen don’t respect their own authority and they misuse it! IF what he did wasn’t wrong why are they hiding his identity? Why did the case become “7ag 3aaam”?
    The surveillance camera clip that was showed, repeated itself.. first they didn’t know where Dana was.. plus blurred a side of it… plus not on full screen 3ashaan they identity of the men around her.. PLUS WHEN the Al-Shamali said that’s her Mother (Allah yir7amha) it was a lady without the veil (7ijaab) and as all of Kuwait was watching the show! They got to know that Om Dana (ra7mat Allah 3alaiyha) MIT7AJBA!
    So people! Please don’t jump into conclusions! the police are not going to say eeeee wallah il shor6i ‘3al6aan min el bidaaaya! they are gonna hide things because as many people might know that a lot of policemen will lose their jobs because of the issue that happened! MAKO shir6i lah 7ag yis7ab ithbataat ibnaya oo i7i6ooonha ib dawriya! EVEN Suspects in a Death Case.. get their ID’s Taken! and they tell them you have upto this time to show up in whatever P. Dept they should investigate in!

  10. This is a real tragedy, I feel for Dana and her family. I know of officers such as these who act this way thinking they are untouchable. She did nothing wrong on the road and I am sure he was lying to cover himself. If this happened in the states or in the US he and the government would have been held responsible. There should be clear laws about officers off duty, and as mentioned he was not in his uniform when he stopped her. I think he should be held responsible for his actions, and that more officers should be.
    I feel that this injustice is corrected, my prayers are with Dana and her family.

  11. ashraf law sama7t we are not egypt or saudi. we have freedom of press. as long as ma tit3ada 3ala il amir or start baseless rumors, you’re fine. also, to the editor of hilaliya; i would like to know what you think of this sorry business with the terror cell. i expressed my views of the subject on my blog. i would really liek to get a second opinion.

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