Kuwait MP’s – Angered by Internet Slow Down – Out For Blood

Today’s edition of the Arab Times today featured an interesting article concerning the Internet Slow Down fiasco: MoC asked for info on cut in firm’s ‘overseas call’ service; 2 MPs forward questions to Dr Maasouma.

An Excerpt:

“MPs Ahmad Al-Saadoun and Abdullah Mahdi Al-Ajmi have forwarded two questions to Communications Minister Dr Maasouma Al-Mubarak. Al-Saadoun asked the Minister to provide him information on the Ministry’s plan to cut the international call services in one of the private telecommunication companies while Al-Ajmi demanded for an explanation on the disconnection of Kuwait’s Internet services in the past few days…Al-Saadoun explained that the Constitution stipulates that the country’s natural resources should be utilized in serving the best interests of the people…MOC easily granted licenses for some private companies to take advantage of these resources without taking into consideration the welfare of the State”.