Kuwait Should Be A Secular State


A Mosque In Downtown Kuwait

As radical as it may sound, the above title is absolutely true of all Democracies!

It is by no means contradictory to Islamic Sharia, far from it – It actually protects Islam and Sharia and all religions from misuse and misinterpretation, if only the opponents read wisely.

With all the factions coming up in Kuwaiti Politics these days – with each considering the other blasphemous – the political waters become murky to the electorate with regards to the choices they make.

If one considers that voting for HADAS or the Salafists, for example, would initiate the reshaping of the government into an Islamic one, the same would be true for the Shiite groups, the Liberals, the Tribalists, and so on.

To counter this fear – while providing equality to the entire population – the Kuwaiti Government needs to be reshaped Kuwait into a Secular State. Within this state, Religion is protected, in all its various forms and definitions, while the Rule of Law keeps it in check, so that no one religion or belief can demolish or defame the other. At the same time, the Government held accountable by each religious group so that no particular favoritism is given to any one group with regards to rights and obligations to the State and its Head.

This, in essence, is the very definition of a true Democracy. Anything else is a workaround. By that I mean, a twisting of the facts in order to address the development of a particular agenda that may or may not be productive to the society at large.

An ‘Islamic Democracy’ means the implementation of Sharia Law onto everyone, referenced by the power monger’s own interpretation of this Law, be it Wahaabist, Taliban, Hadas or Hezbolla.

A ‘Tribalist Democracy’ means the ‘Bani-Somethings’ exert their will and influence onto all those that are not of their tribe.

A ‘Liberal Democracy ‘means the right to throw wild Animal House style parties at college (to some, at least!) without concern for the more moderate of our society, and so on…

But the biggest threat of all, the one we are surely to face if these latest elections results don’t provide the needed results, is an Authoritarian Government, where the individual’s rights and obligations are subject to the whims of the ‘Ruling Elite’, unabated, unobstructed and unchallenged.

Here is where the line was drawn back in 1961/62, when Kuwaiti society decided to implement a constitution that would protect them and their generations from this type of rule. Here we are, 47 years later, deciding on what type of government to represent the people.

In my blog, I posted many entries about how to select and decide upon the right candidate for the job, and I’m reinforcing this point again here: By choosing wisely, all these political groups and their agenda’s will be limited it, but if they come into power, they will modify the government’s ‘modus operandi’ so that it becomes more ‘user friendly’ to their agenda, therefore, we the people will be at their ideological mercy.

In short, Kuwait should be a Secular State in order for all ideologies be absorbed and protected for their individual followers. Everyone has a right to think and say what he or she likes, as long as these actions to not infringe upon the rights and freedoms of others. Everyone should also have a right to be protected from corruption, as long as this protection is not extorted into a new form of corruption.

7 thoughts on “Kuwait Should Be A Secular State

  1. Thoughtful post.
    Had a quick read.
    Will post comprehensively in the evening.
    Love your thoughts Agzz..
    ~ Soul

  2. That’s a nice idea, however it will never happen in Kuwait.
    There is too much at stake for people in high position to let their influence in anyway decrease for the good of the people. It’s sad how selfish people have become.

  3. Ain’t gonna happen. Ever!
    A ‘Liberal Democracy ‘means the right to throw wild Animal House style parties at college (to some, at least!) without concern for the more moderate of our society, and so on…
    Is that what liberal democracy means to you?!

  4. A very true statement and very nicely said! I appreciate how you have put it, too bad the masses here don’t think for the good of the country and they don’t hold their MPs accountable for their actions or inaction to be exact!

  5. We need a revolution in Kuwait for a Secular State to be established.
    Probably a World War may be, if not a revolution.
    A religious State with aristocracy is a complete opposite of Secular State.
    With a majority of foreigners, the state runs a big risk of over diversification upon secularization.
    Dealing with such outburst of diversification and equalities would be like a loads of holes on a small tank. Its bound to leak.
    One scenario is if Kuwaitis do their jobs and grant less foreign visas, the probably, secular state idea can be given a thought in practical sense.
    Other than that, another great hurdle for secular state is religion itself.
    Granting religious freedom, disestablishing state religions, stopping public funds to be used for a religion, freeing the legal system from religious control, opening up the education system, and tolerating citizens who change religion IS CONSIDERED BLASPHEMY.
    Believe me, a lot of ignorant sheep is going to follow that idea.
    Now, I feel how Pareto’s Rule is exploited. Damn!
    My only hope is a radical revolution, where youth play an important role and not just enjoy the comforts of what they are automatically dumped with.
    Until there is no great purpose, need, urgency, exploitation, intolerance to certain negative ideas, there can never be revolution.
    My hope is faint in revolution, however, I despise World War, where there is dramatic shift of world power afterwards.
    ~ Soul

  6. You sound like a flacky liberal. if you know anything about Islam or Islamic legislation, you would know that its the best system. Actually, Kuwait should do away with the parliment and adopt a Shura council.

  7. i wish we were a secular state.
    and 4 those that think its bad u should know that it doesnt mean it would be an athiest country. it would just mean that those who are not muslim have rights too, and for the liberal muslims they’d be able to enjoy their freedom, cuz in the end everyone has the right to do what he/she wants if it doesnt impose on other’s rights.
    ex. lets say im having a party, why cant i have one? im not running naked out in public, its my home its my friends and its my right. if u do not want to participate in “un-muslim” values then don’t. just dont enforce ur way of life on me. 🙂

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